Saturday, October 16, 2010

We made it!

Of course like always it's been a crazy hectic week. This whole working 7 days a week is killing me, which is why I'm home from my weekend job today because I'm sick. For the second time in 2 weeks. Even though it's been crazy, it's been a pretty good 2 weeks.

The Chair and the Dean of my school in NY came out to California and stopped by the school where I'm student teaching and observed me teach for a little bit. They said that I've "done them proud" which is probably the most wonderful compliment I've ever received. I got home that day and Jack, like clockwork, wiggled and squirmed with excitement of my being home.

This second week of Jack's recovery Brian thought it would be a good idea to bring Rusty over to keep Jack company. So, Rusty was with us for a whole week, and at first I thought he was depressed because he was here for more than an overnight visit, but he really loved it! Jack and Rusty snuggled and napped together and when it was finally time for Rusty to go back to my in-laws he was so sad!

Snuggle buddies

Today we went to Surgical Group for Animals and saw Dr Jenkins, Jack's surgeon, as well as Jack's other buddies Frank and Rick. Jack got his staples out and now, we are free to run and jump and swim, (although it's a little cold for that now.)

Even though we were told he shouldn't have been running until he got his staples out, here's a video of Jack not listening to doctors orders about a week and a half after his FHO surgery:

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

10/5/10 Home and Hobbling Around

Yesterday i stayed home from student teaching because Brian had to go to work all day and I didn't want to leave Jackson in his crate and cone of shame, so I kept him company. We snuggled all day, it was great. When Brian got home he snuggled with him.

Jack's doing pretty great. He's hobbling around but is putting partial pressure on his back right leg. He's sitting normally and has a great appetite!

We took some pictures yesterday and realized - holy mother - Jack is getting huge!

He's getting so big! I still see him as a little tiny malnutritioned puppy but this picture says a different story!

Jack has been following me around our little apartment. Every time I get up, he gets up. Every time I sit down, sits down next to me. I was in the shower before and the shower curtain started moving so I peeked out and sure enough, there was Jack sitting waiting for me. I told him I'd be right out but that wasn't soon enough for him because he started climbing into the shower! Hahahahahaha... I had to stop him and call Brian to come get him because he can't get his staples wet. It was adorable because I know he would have just climbed into the shower and sat and waited for me to be done. I love him!

Yesterday makes me want to never have to work and only stay home with my dog. It's really the best thing ever. I'll never ever need kids, dogs are way better.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

10/3/10 Thank YOU!

I wanted to send a BIG THANK YOU to all the very generous donors who helped make this surgery for Jackson possible. Our debt to all of you deep and our gratitude even deeper!

Thank You to:

Kayla Shows

Jason Rosado and The UC Network

Todd Kramer

Rosemary & Howard Mazor

Kamjohn Youthjug

Blair March

Arlean Tessler

Joshua Colon

Brett Phillips

Andy Vasquez

Alexander Nakanishi

Jason Vasquez

The Montoya Family

James Cardo

Kevin Kaprielian

Roman Zarudyanskiy

Alex Izaguire & Kerry King

Fran & Marty Lippe

Darren Goodrich

Fernie & Sherry Vasquez

Chris Ferretti

Scott Wellen

You're all the best and we are beyond blessed to have you in our lives!

Thank you!

10/2/10 Surgery is Done and Jack is Home!

My baby's home!

Jackson had to spend Friday night at the surgical center to be monitored by the doctor and the emergency staff. I went to pick him up this morning, Saturday, and he was so happy to see me, like crazy kissing tail wagging and I know if he could have jumped up, he would have. I got the break down of his home care including medications, wearing that terrible cone collar, walking on the leash, and obviously not jumping on or off furniture and stairs.

Jack has 3 pills he has to take three times a day (well one he takes twice a day) and let me tell you, last night trying to give him his last pills was disastrous. I tried to crush up his pills and put it in some food. He took one sniff at the food and literally started gagging at the smell of it. So, I called the vet hospital (because it said to call them if he wouldn't take his medication, and yes, because I'm crazy) and the man who answered said that when you crush the pills it smells stronger. He said if we couldn't get him to eat it we'd just have to "pill him".

What? I would have to shove the pills to the back of his throat he said. Oy. So, that's what I did, and of course he gagged, and foamed a little, and then I cried because I felt like a bad mommy!

Brian laughed at me and hugged me and told me Jack was fine. I still felt bad.

We're so happy he's home! Here are some pictures!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

9/28/10 The Big Day is Scheduled, for Tomorrow

We scheduled Jackson's surgery. For Friday. As in this Friday, October 1. As in tomorrow!

I'm so nervous for my little man (and a little nervous for our bank account)!

Saying prayers, I'll put up pictures of the weekend, and before and after his surgery!

The night before surgery, hanging with daddy

Saturday, September 25, 2010

I've Been a Bad Blogger!

& I'm back. Well I technically haven't gone anywhere, except to Stress Town and back. Life has been hectic since my last post and so now that I have about one minute to breathe I figured I'd let you all know what's been going on!

I began my very last semester of college! This is exciting because I'm student teaching this semester (in an amazing school) and, for those of you who really know me, know what a long hard road it has been to get to this point. I have two and a half months left before I'm a certified licensed teacher (whoo hoo!) Now that I'm pretty much teaching full time and working at the store on the weekends (yes boys and girls - that's 7 days a week) I have NO time for anything. Really, it's been almost a month since my last post and I feel terrible about it!

As for my little Jack. He's not so little anymore. Brian took him to the surgeon yesterday for x-ray's to see how his hip has done this past month, and to be honest, it hasn't done too well. The positive first: Jack is still responding well to his anti-inflammatory (although he's been limping a little more lately) and he's now 33 pounds! The not-so-positive: The x-ray shows his hip has gotten worse and the surgeon suggested to get the surgery done next week! What?! While we have received very generous donations from friends and family, we're still not close to the total cost of his $2,000 surgery.

We're stressed out but hopeful!

Here's a look at what we've been doing this past month while I have not been blogging!

Jack sleeps as I write my last bog entry

Rusty came for a sleepover

Jack poses for his close-up

Jack and daddy play

On guard

Snuggling with mommy

Thursday, August 26, 2010

8/25/2010 A Serisously Spoiled Puppy

I'm the one who gets up with Jack every morning, Brian sleeps in. So I take Jack out to take care of business then I feed him. This particular morning, I made his food as usual; a cup of Diamond dry food and both Royal Canin and Innova Stew wet food and his anti-inflammatory pill at the very top. He waits so patiently for me to finish and stays sitting until I put his bowl down, then he normally goes to town on his food. Well, this morning he began to eat, stopped, sat down and looked at me.

"Finish eating Jack"

[blank stare]

"Jackson, it's so yummy look..."

I then proceed to pick up a little bit of food and show him. Well he had no problem eating it from my hand. So I showed him that the food was in fact the same as in the bowl. He again sat down, looked at the bowl and then nudged my hand!


Fine. I hand fed him every last slimy morsel, and then he was totally satisfied. What a brat!

(This isn't from this morning, but from that first week we got him home. I didn't mind - I still don't really - feeding a malnutritioned and feeble puppy. Aside from his hip thing though, Jack's pretty healthy, just spoiled I guess!)

I had to work today, but before I went to work I wanted to spend some QT with my boys (but mainly Jack!)

He was being so sweet, so I asked Brian if he cold take a few pictures. Notice the progression of Jackson trying to eat my hand off.

He kinda looks like a mad shark!

Well I left a little early and went to PetCo to pick up some things for my baby ( so hopefully I can redirect his attention and keep my hand?) What did I get? Organic puppy treats, salmon oil to mix into his food (it's really great for their skin and coat - especially the Blue Pit Bulls since they're prone to having skin issues) a tug toy, a bouncy ball he (hopefully) can't destroy and a bully stick to chew on. By the way, do you know what a Bully Stick is?!?! Some of you are thinking, not sure what it even is. Well I normally just call it a raw hide stick, maybe now you know what I'm talking about? Yeah?

It's a dried COW PENIS!!!

What in the what?! Jack loves it too! What a hooker.

Yeah so that's what a spoil my puppy with; cow pizzle. Fantastic.